Brother Maurice Potts and the rest of the Richardson-Plano (TX) Alumni Chapter want children to be safe this Halloween. Children are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween than on any other day of the year. Reference the tips below as you view the various costumes from BIG Brother Potts (ALMIGHTY):
- Children should never Trick or Treat alone, if older (teen), the route and ground rules must be decided and agreed upon ahead of time, and they should check-in regularly via cell phone.
- Use reflective tape on goody bags. and bring a flashlight or glowstick and have it on the whole time, to help people see you.
- Only go to well-lit homes.
- While driving, watch for pedestrians crossing at ALL times, and be extra careful when going in and out of driveways.
- Wait until you get home to eat the candy. Inspect each piece, throw out anything with a torn wrapper.
Have a safe Halloween!!!

Brother Potts is pictured here with his beautiful silhouette, Mrs. Tenisha Polk Potts. We are waiting for the “Sammy”!!!