Greetings Brother!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit the member reclamation page for the Richardson-Plano Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi (RPA). RPA is focused on Achievement, raising the sights of minority youth, and stimulating them to accomplish through mentoring efforts.

Our fundamental purpose and goals have not changed. We are continuing to:

  • Unite men of culture, patriotism, and honor in a bond of fraternity
  • Encouraging honorable Achievement in every field of human endeavor
  • Promoting the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of members
  • Assisting the aims and purposes of colleges and universities
  • Inspiring service in the public interest.

We are taking our service to the next level through the Kappa League Program and Guide Right Foundation activities. In 25 years, RPA has become an award-winning, nationally recognized chapter that offers a rich bond with passion, energy, and a desire for achievement. The following represents a few of our achievements:

  • 2018 – Hosted 82nd Southwestern Province Meeting
  • 2014 – SWP Outstanding Guide Right Program Award
  • 2015 – SWP Chapter of the Year
  • 2010 – National Chapter of the Year

At this time, RPA’s focus is on embodying the fraternity’s interests and demonstrating its ability to lead and serve in the community. If you have been away from the Bond, are new to the area, or desire a chapter to call home where work is being done to better our youth, then the brothers of the Richardson-Plano Alumni Chapter (RPA) welcome you!

RPA encourages all long-lost members of the Noble Klan to become active members of the chapter. If you are a resident of the area and want to get back involved with the Bond, please contact our Reclamation Committee Chairman through the email below, and we will help you get started on the process of returning home to Kappa.

For more information, including the fees associated with Reclamation, please visit the RPA Reclamation signup page.

Reclamation will not stop until we bring all brothers who are not active and without a chapter home back to Kappa. It’s our intent to “promote the spiritual, social, intellectual, and moral welfare of all members” and “to develop a closer union among Brothers.”

Our chapter meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., and dress is required to be a Jacket and tie. After our meetings, there is “bonding” time at a local establishment.

If ever there was a time when all men of Kappa needed to unite behind a common set of objectives, the time is now! So, on behalf of the chapter better known as the “Guide Right Chapter,” welcome home to Kappa!

Yours In The Bond,

Jason Day
RPA Reclamation Chairman